The Ethics Colloquium

Supported and organized by the Program on Ethics and Public Life 

Most sessions of the Ethics Colloquium are premised on pre-reading of the papers. The speakers will not present their papers, the sessions are devoted to Q&A and open discussion. The papers will be made available here at least a week before the colloquium. 

Friday 3:00 - 5:00 PM

  • Date: Goldwin Smith Hall, room 142

Fall 2024

September 20: Laura Valentini (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) 
     Title TBA

November 15: Gopal Sreenivasan (Duke) 
     Title TBA

Spring 2025

March 21: Helen Frowe (Stockholm University) 
     Title TBA

May 2: Carissa Veliz (Herford College, University of Oxford)
     Title TBA
